ESI GO Privacy Policy

Your personal information

The protection of your personal information is important to us. We respect your privacy and want you to understand what we do with the information we hold about you.

This privacy policy explains how we (ESi Controls Ltd) collect, share and use your personal information.

Personal information we collect

We may collect the following types of personal information from you when you use the ESi GO App or other products:

Contact details: information that allows us to contact you directly such as your name, email address, telephone number and addresses associated with your account or order.

ESi GO account details: when you download and use the ESi GO app, you will be asked to register with us and create an account. Your account details include your user name, password and your contact details, such as your name, address and email address. Transaction information: records of the products and services you purchase from us such as ESi Controls EV Charger, and any relevant subscription plans.

Installation and service history: records relating to the installation of our products at your home or property and information relating to the servicing of that product.

Device information: information about the smartphones, mobiles, computers or other electronic devices you connect to our products, website or ESi GO app, such as details about the type of device (which can include unique device identifying numbers), its operating system, the browser you use and applications on the device that connect to our products and services. It can also include details of your internet service provider, mobile network and your IP address.

Responses to surveys, or promotions: we keep records of any surveys you respond to or your entry into any competition or promotion we run.

Records of your discussions with our customer support teams: when you share comments and opinions with us, ask us questions or make a complaint we will keep a record of this. This includes when you send us emails, phone our customer service team or contact us through social media such as through Twitter or our Facebook page. We may also monitor and record our phone calls with you to make sure we are living up to the standards we want, as well as relevant laws and regulations.

How you use ESi GO or ESi Controls EV Charger products: we will collect information about how you are using Wi-Fi products and services in your home and their performance, what devices are connected to them and how those devices are being used with the Wi-Fi products.

How you use the ESi GO app: when you use the ESi GO app we collect information about the pages you look at and how you use them.

Location information: we will collect information about your exact location when you choose to share that with us. For example, you may set up your ESi GO app to send you a reminder to turn off the override boost button, when you are out of the house, to do this you will need to share the location of your mobile device with us.

Even when you don’t actively share your location with us, your smartphone may tell us an approximate location when you connect to our website or products but this will be no more precise than the city, state or country you are using your device in.

You are not required to provide any of the personal information described above to us, however, if you do not do so, you may not be able to use our products and services or the functionality of our products may be reduced

What we use your personal information for

Reason for collecting personal information

Information Used

Provide our services to you and maintain your account

All the personal information we collect

Installation and servicing Installation and service history how you use ESi products

Answer your queries or complaints All the personal information we collect

Maintain and improve our products and services

All the personal information we collect

  • How you use ESi products
  • How you use the ESi GO app
  • Device information
  • Installation and service history

Data analytics and statistical research to help us better understand how our products are used in the home and make suggestions and recommendations to you about the use of our products Records of your discussions with our customer support teams

Staff training

All the personal information we collect develop new products and services all the personal information we collect determine products and services that may be of interest to you all personal information we collect (but not your payment information) Investigating misuse of your account, fraud all the personal information we collect we may anonymise and aggregate any of the personal information we hold (so that it does not directly identify you). We may use anonymised and aggregated information for purposes that include testing our IT systems, research, data analysis, improving our site, apps and products and developing new products and services.

Sources we collect your personal information from

We will collect personal information from a number of sources. These include the following:

  • Directly from you: for example, when you create your ESi GO account with us, connect your smartphone or computer to the ESi Controls EV Charger or other ESi products, complete forms we provide to you, contact us by phone, email or communicate with us directly in some other way.
  • Our website, app and other ESi Controls products: provide us with information about how you use them and the devices in your home that you connect to them.
  • Other companies we work with: provide us with information to help us deliver our products and services to you, and to understand you better. These include:
  • Companies in the same group of companies as us: who may provide relevant information about your gas or electricity account.
  • Installers and service engineers: who will provide us with information about the installation and maintenance of ESi Controls products in your home.

Who we share your personal information with

We share personal information with the following parties:

  • Other service providers and advisors: such as companies that support our IT, help us analyse the data we hold, process any payments, send communications to our customers, provide us with legal or financial advice and generally help us deliver our services to you.
  • The Government or our regulators: where we are required to do so by law or to assist with their investigations or initiatives for the energy industry.
  • Police and law enforcement: to assist with the investigation and prevention of crime.

We do not disclose personal information to anyone else except as set out above.

Direct Marketing

In accordance with the marketing preferences you set when creating your account or that you set with us a later date, we may contact you by email, push notification, text, mail or phone with information about products and services we believe you may be interested in.

If you tell us not to email, push notification, text, mail or phone you with direct market we won’t contact you in that way.

You can let us know at any time that you do not wish to receive marketing messages by sending an email to us at or contacting the customer service team by phone.

Service notifications

The ESi GO app may send service notifications directly to your smartphone or device through the app when we have something important or interesting to make you aware of or you have asked to be notified about certain events relating to your ESi Controls products, e.g. to notify you that a charge session has starded.

Depending on the service you choose, you may also receive these notifications by text message or email depending on your preferences.

You can turn off service notifications at any time through the app, your smartphone system settings or your online account.

Transferring your personal information internationally

The personal information we collect may be transferred to and stored in countries outside of the European Union. Some of these jurisdictions require different levels of protection in respect of personal information and, in certain instances, the laws in those countries may be less protective than the jurisdiction you are typically resident in. We will take all reasonable steps to ensure that your personal information is only used in accordance with this privacy policy and applicable European data protection laws and is respected and kept secure.

How long do we keep personal information

We will keep your personal information for as long as you have an account with us. After you close your account with us we will keep your personal information for a reasonable period to maintain our records and legal obligations to you.

Your rights in relation to your personal information

You have the following rights in relation to your personal information:

  • the right to be informed about how your personal information is being used;
  • the right to access the personal information we hold about you;
  • the right to opt-out of receiving direct marketing messages;
  • the right to request the correction of inaccurate personal information we hold about you; and
  • the right to request the blocking or deletion of your personal information where the processing does not comply with applicable data protection laws.

To exercise any of the above rights, or if you have any questions relating to your rights, please contact us by using the details set out in the ‘Contacting us’ section below.

If you are unhappy with the way we are using your personal information you can also complain to the UK Information Commissioner’s Office or your local data protection regulator. We are here to help and encourage you to contact us to resolve your complaint first.

Changes to this notice

We may update this privacy notice from time to time. When we change this notice in a material way, we will update the version date at the bottom of this page. For significant changes to this notice we will try to give you reasonable notice unless we are prevented from doing so. Where required by law we will seek your consent to changes in the way we use your personal information.

Contacting us

In the event of any query or complaint in connection with the information we hold about you, please email us at: or by phone 01280816868